Monday, April 20, 2009

Google Documents

Google Documents. A common problem for students is communicating electronically with their professors. Specifically, many professors want written work turned in to them In Microsoft Word (.doc) format. Microsoft Word is a robust word processing program that’s also got a robust price tag, so most students are facing a big hurdle -- How to comply with professors’ demands without shelling out even more money? You’ve paid tuition, been exploited by textbook publishers, and now you need $250 for software? NOT! Google Documents might be your best solution!

Google Documents is a free Web-based software suite that gives you tools to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. And if you download them correctly, your documents will be compatible with Microsoft Word, creating harmony between you and your professor. Google Documents was initially created as a collaboration tool, but it will also work as your personal document editor and storage space on the Web.

--Kent Mercer,MLIS

Friday, April 10, 2009

BookShill #2 - Obesity

The subject for the second issue of BookShill is obesity. This is a significant problem in the United States and is becoming moreso, especially in children. The books covered in BookShill are now on display near the Haselwood Library Reference Desk and are available for checkout. The BookShill is produced by our librarian Kent Mercer.

View BookShill #2!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Library Resources for Hard Times

The Washington State Library has created a website with helpful resources for these economic hard times that so many of us are experiencing. The State Library explains:
"These resources are for library users to help them find jobs, develop their resumes and interview skills, file for unemployment, and find economic and technological information and resources. Please feel free to share these links with your patrons, to take these lists and post them on your own web pages, and to distribute this information as you see fit."

Link to Hard Times: Resources for Library Users

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Welcome to Spring Quarter... Ask a Librarian!

Welcome to new and returning students! The librarians and library staff are ready to help you access, find, and organize the library information you need for your class assignments.

From the Library homepage look for this icon. Then, click on "Chat", "Email", or "Phone" to get help from a librarian. The librarians at the Haselwood Library can provide you one-on-one personal assistance by phone, by email, or you can use the "Chat" service to get immediate live online help. If you login to this 24/7 Ask-A-Librarian service at 2:00 am, you will get a librarian from another part of the country, but your question will always be reviewed by an Olympic College Librarian for follow-up.

Of course you may come into the Haselwood Library in person... the old fashioned way! We're here to help and we look forward to seeing you!